
Terms and Conditions for e911 Service

The terms and conditions outlined in this service agreement update are important for understanding and accepting the limitations of emergency 911 service over a VoIP phone (Broadband Internet) in comparison to the Enhanced 911 services commonly available on traditional phones.

911 Service
Once the Service is activated, VOIPnMore’s 911 service becomes accessible. Applicable fees for 911 are charged starting from the service activation date. It is essential to recognize that VOIPnMore’s 911 service differs significantly from traditional 911 or E911 dialing found in most conventional telephone services, and it has specific limitations when compared to Enhanced 911 (E911).

E911 vs. Basic 911 Service
When making an emergency call to the E911 or Enhanced 911 service, the user’s telephone number and location are automatically transmitted to the operator during the call.

However, with Basic 911 (B911), the user’s telephone number and location are not automatically transmitted to the operator. The operator at the answering location will verbally obtain the necessary information that identifies the caller’s need and physical location. The operator will then determine the appropriate agency and transfer the call.

VOIPnMore provides a basic 911 type service.

911 Service Description
When a user dials 911, the call is routed from the VOIPnMore network to the emergency services operator. The user must confirm their current location with the operator, which should match the address registered with VOIPnMore. If the user calls from a location different from the registered address, they need to provide the operator with the updated address or location. The operator will then determine the appropriate emergency agency and transfer the call accordingly. There may be additional delays in transferring emergency service calls to areas not served by traditional 911.

During a 911 call, the user should not hang up unless instructed to do so by the operator or the emergency service attendant. If the call is disconnected prematurely, the user needs to call back to reestablish a connection with the emergency services. The Customer is responsible for providing VOIPnMore with the service address for each activated and/or ported DID and/or charge number, ensuring that the location information is always up to date. Only DIDs and/or charge numbers provisioned with VOIPnMore and for which applicable fees have been paid may be used as the Calling Party ID for 911 calls. Using any other DID or charge number constitutes a violation of this Agreement and poses a risk to public safety. In case the user is unable to speak during a 911 call, the operator will dispatch emergency services automatically to the address registered on file. If the user dials 911 while outside of Canada or the United States, the emergency services operator will advise them to hang up and find a local phone line to dial the appropriate emergency services (which may not be 911).

Power or Broadband Outage
A power failure or disruption may require the Customer to reset or reconfigure their equipment before using the service. Power disruptions or failures, ISP (Internet Service Provider) outages or partial outages, and service suspension/disconnection are likely to prevent dialing emergency service numbers, including 911. In such events, users may need to access a traditional or cellular phone to make an emergency call. The Customer acknowledges that in the event of an outage, malfunction, or any other unavailability of their Internet connection or related equipment, including any improper modification or tampering with their computer or related software or hardware, the service may not function. The Customer will continue to be billed for the service until either the Customer or VOIPnMore terminates the service in accordance with this Agreement.

Informing Others of the 911 Service Limitations
The Customer must inform users and potential users about the limitations of VOIPnMore’s 911 service compared to traditional 911 service, as outlined above. If

a user is uncomfortable with the limitations of VOIPnMore’s 911 service, the Customer should arrange an alternative method to access traditional 911 services.

Limitation of Liability and Indemnification Regarding the 911 Service
Neither VOIPnMore, its affiliates, nor any of their officers, directors, employees, or agents can be held liable for (i) any claim, damage, or loss (including but not limited to loss of profit), or (ii) any damage resulting from service outages or data loss. The Customer hereby waives all such claims or causes of action arising from or relating to any service outage and/or the inability to dial 911 from their Customer phone line or access emergency service personnel, unless it is proven that the act or omission causing the claim, damage, or loss constitutes gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct on the part of VOIPnMore. Subject to the provisions of this agreement, VOIPnMore does not provide any other warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless VOIPnMore, its affiliates, and their officers, directors, employees, agents, legal representatives, and any other service provider that offers services to the Customer or VOIPnMore in relation to this agreement or the service provided. This includes claims, losses, damages, fines, penalties, costs, expenses, legal fees, etc., by or on behalf of the Customer, any third party, or user of the Customer’s service, related to the absence, failure, or outage of the service, including 911 dialing and/or the inability of the Customer or any third party or user of their service to dial 911 or access emergency service personnel, as well as any misroutes of 911 calls.

911 VoIP Service – General Guidelines
In case of an emergency, dial 911 to reach an emergency center operator.
Be prepared to provide your physical location, call-back number, and details about the emergency.
Do not hang up unless instructed to do so by the call center operator.
If you get disconnected, please redial 911. The operator, if they have your number, will also attempt to call you back.
Ensure that your VoIP service and Internet service are correctly configured and initialized.
Inform all users and potential users about the limitations of VoIP 911 service and share these user tips.
Display the VoIP 911 warning sticker on the phone set or in a clearly visible location for all users and potential users to see.


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