Terms and Conditions

 Effective Date: 01/01/2023 

Welcome to VOIPnMore.com! These Terms of Service (“Terms”) outline the rules and guidelines governing your use of our website (the “Website”) and the services we provide (the “Services”). By accessing or using the Website and Services, you agree to comply with these Terms. Please take a moment to read them carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms, we kindly request that you refrain from using the Website and Services.

  1. Definitions 

–  Company : VOIPnMore.com, its contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners, and anyone working with or for VOIPnMore.com and its subsidiaries.

–  Customer : You, the person or entity, and its contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners, or associates using the VOIPnMore.com service.

–  911 : Emergency call service typically used for delivering emergency calls to a public safety access point.

–  PSAP : Public Safety Answering Point

–  Non-IVoIP : Non-interconnected VoIP service. It is defined by the FCC as a service that enables real-time voice communications that originate from or terminate to the user’s location using Internet protocol or any successor protocol; and requires Internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment; and does not include any service that is an interconnected VoIP service.

–  DID : Direct Inward Dialing

Customers agree to all these Terms of Service upon opening an account with VOIPnMore.com and/or using its signup form and/or its customer service, by email or phone.

  1. Introduction 

VOIPnMore.com provides the following Terms of Service (“Terms”), which are subject to change at any time, (herein “Terms” or “Agreement” or “Terms of Service”) to its customers for the use of their services. When it refers to “Services,” the company means offering to customers a vast range of standard telephony and communication features. The present Terms shall govern all Services provided by the Company to its customers.

Please read the Terms prior to using VOIPnMore.com services. By accessing and using the services of VOIPnMore.com, the customer agrees to be legally bound by this Agreement, and any modification of such Agreement by the continuous use of the Services. If the customer doesn’t agree with these Terms of Service, please do not use VOIPnMore.com’s Services.

  1. Application 

The following Terms of Service apply to all individuals referred to as customers and/or users of VOIPnMore.com Services.

  1. Restrictions 

–  Eligibility : The Services provided by VOIPnMore.com are available only to entities and persons over the age of legal majority established by the law of the customer’s country and capable of entering into a legally binding agreement under applicable law.

–  Backup Solution : The customer shall not use this Service as their sole call termination service, in which case the Company will assume no responsibility, and shall be advised to have a backup solution in any case this service does not deliver the customer demand.

–  Misleading Information : The customer cannot spread misleading information about VOIPnMore.com.

–  Intellectual Property : All the information provided to the customer and on the website of the company is under the intellectual property of VOIPnMore.com. Unless both parties make a written agreement, the customer cannot use any documents, logo, or information about VOIPnMore.com’s technology.

–  Payphones : Originating from payphones to VOIPnMore.com toll-free numbers is not guaranteed.

–  Phone Number Porting : The customer agrees not to purchase phone numbers from VOIPnMore.com with the sole intention to port them out to another service. VOIPnMore.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disable the purchase of new phone numbers from an account that presents this pattern and may charge a port-out fee to allow the port out of numbers removed in this fashion.

–  Claims and Actions : The customer agrees that they do not have the right to start any claim, remedy, or action, legal or otherwise, that may harm VOIPnMore.com in any way, for any reason whatsoever directly or indirectly related to the Services.

  1. Privacy 

–  Your Data : Your privacy matters to us. We collect and use information about your use of the Services as described in our Privacy Policy. By using our Services, you consent to this data collection and use.

–  Security Measures : We employ reasonable security measures to protect your data. However, please be aware that no method of data transmission over the internet is entirely secure. While we do our utmost to safeguard your information, we are not responsible for unauthorized access to your account or data.

  1. Data Hosting and Third Parties 

–  Data Hosting : VOIPnMore.com agrees to not sell your personal or corporate information to third parties except as permitted by the present Terms and in order to provide, support, and secure the Services. The Customer agrees and understands that the Company may use the services of a third party to render the Services or part of the Services, and that Customer data may be hosted by the Company or their authorized third-party service providers.

  1. Telemarketing 

–  Authorization : The Customer covenants and agrees that if they wish to use VOIPnMore.com termination (outbound) services for telemarketing purposes (including, but not limited to Automated Dialers, Call Centers, and collection agencies), they must first reach out to  support@voipnmore.com to get the written authorization to do so. In the event where the Customer does not obtain the proper authorization from the Company, the Customer understands that VOIPnMore.com will suspend such activities without warning, at its sole discretion.

–  Caller ID Display : The Customer covenants and agrees that prior to using any VOIPnMore.com phone number as their caller ID display for calls related to telemarketing, dialer traffic, polls, mass traffic campaigns, or use VOIPnMore.com phone numbers to receive traffic consistent with the aforementioned purposes (mostly short calls, of very short duration), they have to reach out to  support@voipnmore.com to get the written authorization to do so. In the event where the Customer does not obtain the proper authorization from the Company, these activities could result in the suspension or removal of their DID number, and VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to do so without prior notice, and at its sole discretion.

  1. Service Availability 

–  Countries : VOIPnMore.com is currently not offering new accounts, origination, or termination services for the following countries: [List of countries]

  1. Terms of Service Updates 

–  Notification : The following Terms of Service may be revised. If the Company chooses to do so, such amended Terms of Service will take precedence over the previous version. If a notice is not sent to the customer, VOIPnMore.com will make a notification on the website. It is the responsibility of the customer to read the Terms and keep current on revised versions. Note that major changes will be noticed to customers in a reasonable time of thirty (30) days via email.

  1. Account Security 

–  Login and Password : The customer is responsible for the safekeeping of their Login and Password information. If this information is lost or given to any other party in any way, the customer understands that this will be their sole responsibility. The customer agrees to frequently change their passwords to protect their account from any suspicious activity.

–  Account Usage : Customer covenants and agrees that they are responsible for all use of non-IVoIP services under their account and that they shall be responsible for anyone that has access, authorized or not, to their account.

  1. Service Quality 

–  Quality Disclaimer : VOIPnMore.com does not claim that its Service is “standard line quality,” and the customer understands that the Service quality is “as is” and may vary depending on the location of the customer, the internet service provider, and the destination of each call. Due to the nature of its offering that allows customers to bring their own device, software, PBX, or switch, the customer shall understand that the level of support and the service offered are intended for customers with a higher technical level. Although the Company will do its best to assist customers in that situation, it shall not be held liable for any problem resulting thereof.

  1. Compliance with Laws 

–  Lawful Use : The customer agrees to follow lawful purposes while using this Service. Call usage must comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in Canada, the USA, and the location country of the customer. The customer agrees to set the CallerID/ANI Identification in their configuration with accurate correspondence to them, without creating any confusion for another person or party.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranties 

–  No Warranties : VOIPnMore.com makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding its product or service.

  1. Payments and Billing 

–  Payment Priority : VOIPnMore.com will direct any payment, firstly to pay negative balances. The customer understands that all negative balances are due and use the Service with the acceptance that any call below the negative balance does not mean that the calls are not due. VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to suspend any negative account or any account that does not have a minimum $5 balance. A written notice will be sent to the customer in a reasonable time of 30 days in case of suspended or negative account.

–  Service Suspension : VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue Service at any time and this without any notice, if this occurs, it will issue full refunds on unused balances.

–  Rate Quotes : All rate quotes are valid only on the day they are issued, and the Company only guarantees such rate to that extent. It is the responsibility of the customer to verify the accuracy of rates.

–  Flat Rate Plans : Flat Rate Plans (may be referred to as “Unlimited”) for local DID’s (Canada or USA) packages are intended for residential use only and include the use of 2 simultaneous channels and a maximum of 2,500 inbound minutes per month.

  1. Toll-Free Termination 

–  Usage Limits : The free toll-free termination (value route) is provided to users under the premise that it will only add up to a small percentage of their traffic and that the account will also be used for regular traffic (incoming calls to DID numbers and/or outgoing calls to geographical areas). VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, if the free toll-free usage is not typical or falls out of the pattern mentioned previously, and disable this option when most of the customer’s calls consist of toll-free calls using the free toll-free termination (value route).

  1. Prohibited Use 

–  Modification of Customer Portal : The use of scripts that modify the customer portal interface in a way that goes beyond cosmetic modifications (for example, Grease Monkey scripts to add additional choices in web forms) are strictly forbidden and can lead to immediate account deletion and legal actions.

  1. Account Usage Responsibility 

–  Account Usage Responsibility : The customer is responsible for all usage of their account and is also responsible for the actual balance in their account.

  1. Porting Away 

–  Port Away Fee : At VOIPnMore.com’s sole discretion, the customer may incur a port away fee for any DID number(s) leaving its network as this is a pass-through charge from VOIPnMore.com carrier(s).

–  Porting Fees : The following fees apply when porting numbers from US and Canada:

  – A $10 CAD fee for a port resubmission after a rejection.

  – A $50 CAD fee for a port cancellation once the order has been submitted to the carrier.

  – A $250 CAD fee for expediting a port with the carrier, if available.

  1. Billing Increments 

–  Billing Increments : All traffic routed to certain markets will be rated based on durations measured by the following billing increments:

  – United States and Canada: 6 seconds increment, starting at a minimum of 6 seconds.

  – [List of other countries and billing increments]

  1. Information Accuracy 

–  Information Accuracy : Information on VOIPnMore.com site regarding service, including but not limited to termination providers, is based on information passed to it from intermediary companies and may have not been verified. VOIPnMore.com will use reasonable efforts to assure obedience to all the requirements of the law of Ontario, Canada about security and confidentiality of any transactions or information.

  1. Data Encryption and Disclosure 

–  Data Encryption : VOIPnMore.com does not encrypt its transmissions or sensitive parts of customer information in its database. VOIPnMore.com retains the right to voluntarily hand over information regarding customers, usage, and calls if it is requested by law, court order, or by governmental organizations.

  1. Suggestions and Contributions 

–  Suggestions and Contributions : By submitting suggestions, feedback, or any volunteer contributions, the customer acknowledges that VOIPnMore.com is not under obligation of confidentiality.

  1. Refund Policy 

Refund Guarantee Update

– At VOIPnMore.com, we are committed to ensuring that our customers receive the services they expect. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience but kindly note that we do not issue refunds or accept returns in any situation.

– We strive to provide the best possible service, and in the event that you encounter any issues, we are here to assist you in resolving them promptly and to your satisfaction. Your experience with us is of utmost importance.

– If you require assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team. We are always here to help and ensure your experience with VOIPnMore.com is a positive one.

  1. Account Security Measures 

–  IP Address Screening : VOIPnMore.com uses a private security firm to automatically screen IP addresses upon logging into the customer portal and also when the customer signs up for a new account. If this score is too high, the customer may be denied access by the system. The customer will not hold VOIPnMore.com accountable for any inconvenience, financial loss, or other issues directly or indirectly related to this security measure.

  1. Number Testing 

–  Number Testing : It is the customer’s responsibility to verify and test that any number delivered to their account is active and working properly before publishing it. The test should be made from a landline or cell phone provider. VOIPnMore.com will not be held liable for any damages or advertising expenses arising from receiving a non-working number. If a number is confirmed non-working, it will be deleted from the account, and the cost of the number refunded.

  1. Legal Compliance 

–  Compliance to Law : All parties agree that it will conduct business in compliance with all requirements of the law, specifically in compliance with the law of the province of Ontario, Canada.

  1. Limitation of Liability 

–  Limitation of Liability : In no event shall the Company be held liable to the customer and/or to any third party for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including any and all liquidated damages, penalties, lost profit, loss of business, and damages arising from the use of the Service, even if the Company may or may not have been previously informed of the possibility of such damage occurring.

  1. Dispute Resolution 

–  Dispute Resolution : If there is any dispute about or involving the Company’s Services, it is agreed by all parties that said dispute shall be governed by the laws of the province of Ontario, and both parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the district of Torontol, province of Ontario.

  1. Entire Agreement 

–  Entire Agreement : These Terms, and any amended versions thereof, are the entire Agreement between you and the Company with respect to the Services, and they shall supersede any other agreement, written or verbal, that you might have entered into. If any provision, or part of a provision, of these Terms is found to be invalid under the law, that provision, or portion of the provision, will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms otherwise will remain in full force and effect and enforceable.

  1. Assignment 

–  Assignment : The customer agrees that the present Terms cannot be assigned or transferred unless the Company gives its prior written consent. The Company has the right to assign, transfer, or delegate any of its rights and obligations under these Terms without your consent but will provide customer with a notice (written or email) if that event occurs.

  1. Automatic Billing 

–  Automatic Billing : The Company agrees to provide you with an Automatic Billing feature, which

 means your account balance will be refilled automatically when it goes below a certain limit that you set in your Customer Portal. This feature is designed to avoid service interruption due to a low balance.

These terms are provided as an example and are not legally binding. It’s crucial to consult with a legal professional to draft specific terms and conditions tailored to your business and its legal requirements. Additionally, the terms and conditions might vary depending on the jurisdiction in which your business operates.

  1. Minimum Deposit for Automatic Billing 

–  Minimum Deposit for Automatic Billing : The minimum deposit for the Automatic Billing feature is CAD$15. By using this feature, you authorize us to take payment for the minimum deposit, and charge it to the credit card linked to your account. We reserve the right to change the minimum deposit amount at any time. You may also choose any other threshold for the replenishment of your account, as long as that threshold amount is equal to or higher than CAD$15. By setting the threshold at the minimum of CAD$15 or higher, you authorize us to take payment for such sum when the threshold is reached.

  1. Usage of Automatic Billing 

–  Usage of Automatic Billing : You may use the Automatic Billing feature for all services provided by the Company.

  1. Payment Declines and Notifications 

–  Payment Declines and Notifications : If your card is declined or if payment cannot be taken with the provided credit card, you might not be able to use the Company’s Services, and you will receive a notice.

  1. Limit on Transactions 

–  Limit on Transactions : A maximum of 1 transaction per day is allowed through the Automatic Billing feature.

  1. Service Discontinuation 

–  Service Discontinuation : VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue Service at any time and this without any notice. If this occurs, it will issue full refunds on unused balances.

  1. Rate Quote Validity 

–  Rate Quote Validity : All rate quotes are valid only on the day they are issued, and the Company only guarantees such rates to that extent. It is the responsibility of the customer to verify the accuracy of rates.

  1. Flat Rate Plans 

–  Flat Rate Plans : Flat Rate Plans (may be referred to as “Unlimited”) for local DID’s (Canada or USA) packages are intended for residential use only and include the use of 2 simultaneous channels and a maximum of 2500 inbound minutes per month.

  1. Business Text Messaging 

–  Business Text Messaging : It is mandatory for any business looking to send SMS/MMS traffic in the United States to complete a registration process for their brand and campaign with the details of their messaging traffic. Unregistered messaging traffic will incur additional per-message fees, and may be subject to filtering, blocking, and fines. To initiate the process, please contact our team at support@voipnmore.com.

  1. Account Closure due to Inactivity 

–  Account Closure due to Inactivity : VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to close your account if it remains inactive for a period of 24 consecutive months. If your account is flagged as inactive, VOIPnMore.com will notify you via email that your account will be closed if you do not log in or contact us within 30 days of the email notification. If you fail to take any action, your account will be closed. VOIPnMore.com will not be liable for any losses or damages incurred as a result of the closure of your account due to inactivity.

  1. 911/Enhanced 911 (e911) Emergency Service 

–  911/Enhanced 911 (e911) Emergency Service : The present Terms of Service are in addition to the Terms of Service applicable to the Services. Customers are reminded to be aware of the conditions regarding dialing 911 from their VOIPnMore.com service. Due to recent FCC/CRTC rulings and regulations, all Customers who are using VOIPnMore.com services as their primary residential or business telephone carrier must activate 911 Emergency Services on at least one of their DIDs.

  1. E911 Compliance 

–  E911 Compliance : As per regulations, Customers must also make sure that their communication systems permit all users to dial 911 at all times, without the need to dial a prefix, and that, should 911 be dialed from the Customer’s communication system, proper personnel and authorities be promptly informed of the emergency. The Company endeavours to provide promptly to the Customer the location information necessary to abide by rules and regulations. Customers understand and agree that the Company will assume no liability in case of any breach of said regulations by the Customer.

  1. E911 Location Information 

–  E911 Location Information : The portion of the 911 service that delivers physical address information to your local PSAP is not guaranteed. It is possible that your physical location will not be provided to the PSAP dispatcher. On occasions of this kind, it will be your sole responsibility to give the dispatcher the location of your emergency to receive emergency service assistance, and the Company shall assume no liability to that extent.

  1. E911 Service Quality 

–  E911 Service Quality : Due to the quality variability of non-IVoIP networks, VOIPnMore.com cannot and does not guarantee your emergency call will go through. Many conditions such as loss of power, Internet access, and or several others may cause 911 to be inoperable. VOIPnMore.com does not have control over those types of situations and therefore cannot be

 held liable. VOIPnMore.com will do everything within its power to prevent service outages within its network.

  1. Outbound Caller ID for E911 

–  Outbound Caller ID for E911 : For e911 address information to be passed to your local PSAP dispatcher, you must set your outbound caller ID value to the specific DID you are purchasing e911 service for. Therefore, by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are deemed to have set the outbound Caller ID number to the DID you have enabled e911 services for when making an outbound 911 emergency call.

  1. E911 Testing 

–  E911 Testing : VOIPnMore.com has added an extension to its network where all VOIPnMore.com users may call to test their Caller ID value. At any time, you may test your outbound caller ID value by dialing ‘1-555-555-0911’.

  1. Release of Liability for E911 Services 

–  Release of Liability for E911 Services : By using VOIPnMore.com’s enhanced 911 service, you agree that VOIPnMore.com, its contractors, executives, members, customers, agents, employees, carriers, 911 providers, and anyone else associated with VOIPnMore.com are not held liable for emergency calls failing, even if it is determined that it is the fault of VOIPnMore.com or its associates, and release the Company from any and all liability. You further agree that you will notify your customers, contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners, and anyone who may use the VOIPnMore.com 911 service of our limitations and make customers agree not to hold VOIPnMore.com or you liable.

  1. E911 Setup and Regulatory Fees 

–  E911 Setup and Regulatory Fees : You will be charged a recovery setup fee of $9.99 and a regulatory recovery fee of $1.99 per month for each DID submitted to the e911 database. This fee is not refundable.

  1. Changes to Terms 

–  Changes to Terms : VOIPnMore.com reserves the right to make changes to its site, services, policies, and these Terms of Service at any time.

These Terms of Service are provided as an example and are not legally binding. It’s crucial to consult with a legal professional to draft specific terms and conditions tailored to your business and its legal requirements. Additionally, the terms and conditions might vary depending on the jurisdiction in which your business operates.

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